The club enters teams for Area and London & South East competitions. It gives members an opportunity to compete together and aim to qualify for championships. Teams are run for dressage from intro - medium, music, team tests, pairs and riders tests. Show jumping and horse trials teams run from 70cm upwards. 

Teams are a great way of meeting other members in the riding club and making competing a social event with the support of your fellow team members and others from the club.

Helpers on foot are needed for all team competitions and a good way of finding out if you would like to be on teams. Contact Liz Atkinson ( to volunteer for teams or to help, or for any more details.

Check the Events page for dates of next team events

Most of the time we can fit everyone who wants to take part in, but it helps me especially for the dressage and SJ to work out which team you are best suited to if you can attend club events and clinics or let me know of recent results.

 If you have any queries, or wish to be considered please do not hesitate to contact me, Liz Atkinson 07762 782125 or

Please remember that horses MUST be microchipped have a valid flu certificate to compete in teams so remember to get renewal dates in your diary so it doesn’t get missed.  Horses must have the correct initial course of vaccinations followed by annual vaccination less then year from last (but not in the 7 days before a competition)